Monday, September 20, 2010

The Final Design


Final product!



Random Words Association

The objective

The objective of our project is to motivate the audience to think freely, to think out of their boxes whether they were students or workers.

We are making a conceptual graphical art to show how those people who think out of there boxes become happy and succeed and not trapped in their boring daily jobs.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Thinking-out-of-the box

Creative Multimedia is a media and content that uses a variety of different content forms. It is an adjective which describe as a medium containing multiple content forms. The term 'multimedia’ covers a wide aspect of combination of media opposed to the term ‘media’ which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. The actual term of “Multimedia”, was first defined by Bob Goldstein (Bobb Goldsteinn) as to promote his opening of “LightWorks at L’Oursin” show (July 1966) at Southampton, Long Island.

Multimedia covers its application in a whole various aspect including advertisements, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, scientific research and spatial temporal applications. A few examples of them are creative industries, commercial, entertainment, fine arts, education, journalism, engineering, industry and medicine.

Creative multimedia covers a very wide scope in different categories and some of them can be explored through computer, illustration, photography and film. In the definition of creative thinking, computer is a device or a tool for generating ideas. Literally, it is a box which contains full of imaginations that we can come up with. However, there are lots of interaction between us and the computers. Computer is just a box that receives instructions from us. According to the research that we conducted, computer can do lots of stuff like programming, networking. Besides, many kinds of software are needed by a computer for them to work efficiently.

First of all, networking is an ‘It’ thing now in this current era. Farm rendering, paint chat and P2P also are the few aspect of networking. For your information, a rendering farm is a place where a whole unit of hundreds of computer is prepared especially for the processing and rendering heavy 3D film animation, for example, the movie Avatar. Rendering farm is mostly for the development of 3D artworks, but do you know that in online networking, not that we can only chat online, we can even paint in collaboration with other users in the internet while chatting which is called paint chat. Besides online painting, other alternatives also can be used by using available software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Paint Shop Pro. Other than that, computers can help a lot in building your own career. A lot of people have start making serious business in making website designs and blogs to gain income. Using html as a starting point in designing websites, they make their way up to more advanced level of programming such as Java, C++ and visual BASIC.

Apart of that, a big contribution to creative multimedia is the existence of photography. Photography is one of the various ways of creative thinking by how we present them and the story it reflect from the photos. Photography can be presented in two ways. By display, which are photos that are editable and are uploaded on the internet which later can be kept in an e-gallery such as a website called DeviantArt. Other than that is by prints. Which photos are printed and later can be kept in a gallery. These digital photos can be edited to add more effects or to correct the color of the photos which can be done by several software such as Adobe Photoshop, LightRoom and Photomatix.

Moreover, film also falls in the category of creative multimedia because mainly, the tools like camera, convert the reflected light to digital form and it requires software for editing (post-production) such as Adobe Premiere, After Effect and other animation software. There are many types of film. For example, a silent movie (Charlie Chaplin), documentary ( National Geographic), short movies and lots more. These films also are categorized in different genres such as comedy, horror, action and sci-fi. Films are developing and evolving rapidly through the years and has been one of the most important element in creative multimedia

As what have been explained, we, as a student of the faculty of creative multimedia, do feel aware of the importance of the aspects have been mentioned and we applied them in our daily lives, and how exactly we apply them? This is when you need to think out-of-the-box! Be creative and unlimit your imagination. Thinking out of the box is meant by willingness to take new perspective in life, doing things differently and being open to them, focus on the value of finding new ideas, striving to create value in new ways, listen to other and supporting them with their ideas.

Thinking out-of-the-box is the ability of us to open our minds to new ways of seeing the world and the willingness to explore them. Do not be an inside-of-the-box thinker because they are skillful in killing ideas by having to think anything of being too risky to take. The important thing is to make action on the ideas created. Results are what counts.

Mind map on Creative Multimedia

Mind map on Creative Multimedia ;

Focus mind map on 'OUT-OF-THE -BOX' ;

Random words/ Image Association

Problem / Situation - To create a scary image or object that will instill fear among people throughout the ages.

The random word - kitten

and this is what i came up with :

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Juxtaposition exercise in class

Mr Radzi gave us a list on numbers on juxtaposition..try this out

1. Flower 0. Head
2. Lightning 1. Rain
3. Ice 2. Wood
4. Light 3. Tree
5. Fire 4. Spider
6. Duck 5. Root
7. Dog 6. Mountain
8. Oil 7. Wind
9. Leave 8. Rock
0. Fly 9. Water

You might be wondering how it works..ok first off,pick randomly a num from list 1 and list 2 like 38.and combine them. exp; 38 3.Ice , 8.Rock = Ice Rock

ok got it? now pick 3 numbers from the list , exp; 45,61,56

from the number u picked,make sentences which make sense out of them and illustrate.

see how i did them..

2. Secondly, from the same numbers, combine this two words. I know,juxtapose it..lets just try

Its tough to create something which doesnt make sense to something that make sense;p
but once you got it, it would easily be remembered and captures the eye of others

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Week 5 + 2..

Juxtaposition can be defined by placing 2 variables side by side and their contrast and similarity are shown through comparison...Which mean that it could be anything regardless of class,type,subject or matter. FYI, juxtaposition is really important for the creative process because it tends to broaden our perspective in new creation of ideas. It ables people to look and think in a different new way, and ables people to see things differently. Thats why ads and commercials used a lot of juxtaposition to attract people attention. Some happened intentionally and some are not.For example..

smart ads ;p ..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


the 6 number of week

Hello lets talk about juxtaposition. What do you understand about it?..Or even better, what do 'I' understand about it???


is a placement of two words, descriptions, or concepts literally or figuratively
next to each other. The effect on the reader is like sweet and sour sauce, yen and yang:
he/she senses the contrast between the two, yet notices that they, for some reason, have a fit. Sometimes the juxtaposition can be temporal, as when a character recalls the darkness of the coal mine while seeing the flash of a bomb. This is a fertile literary device. By way of some humor, juxtaposition is also the father of the oxymoron.

It actually came from latin word ..

From French juxtaposition, from Latin iuxtā (near) from Latin iungō (to join) + French position (position) from Latin pōnō (to place).

-Juxtaposition in literature is a device used to provide c o n t R a s t s and create a conjunction of impressions in the reader. The device is particularly effective in dramatic interludes, but is common in many forms of literature as an extension of story lines and character roles.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mortar & pestle..why talk about it?

WEEK 5 is all about batu lesung:/

Whats a mortar and pestle?

A mortar and pestle is a tool used to crush, grind, and mix solid substances (trituration).

The pestle is a heavy bat-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding. The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, marble, clay, or stone. The substance to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed with the pestle.


Mortars and pestles come in many sizes. The Caddo and Cherokee used big ones they called corn mills. The mortar was made from a tree trunk. Here is a picture of one.

The pestle here is the big thing that looks like a paddle. The Cherokee lady here lifts the pestle up and then pounds it down on the corn or acorns in the tree stump mortar.

They are also use for medical purpose..

In the olden days, mortars and pestles were used traditionally in pharmacies to crush ingredients to prepare the prescription. On those days, the head of pestle are usually made of porcelain and the handle of pestle is made of wood and they are called Wedgwood mortar and pestle which founded mostly in 1779. In this era, the mixing ingredients or reducing the particle size is known as trituration. Mortar and pestle are still used until now to grind up pills to speed up absorption when patient are ingested.

Also for food preparation...

Mortars are also used in cooking to prepare ingredients such as guacamole and pesto (which derives its name from the pestle pounding), as well as grinding spices into powder. The molcajete, a version used by pre-Hispanic mesoamerican cultures including the Aztec and Maya, stretching back several thousand years, is made of basalt and is used widely in Mexican cooking. It likely evolved from the more primitive metate grinding slab. Other Native American tribes used mortars carved into the bedrock to grind acorn and other nuts. Many such depressions can be found in their former territories.

In Japan, very large mortars are used with wooden mallets to prepare mochi. A regular sized Japanese mortar and pestle are called a suribachi and surikogi, respectively. Granite mortars and pestles are used in SouthEast Asia, as well as Pakistan and India. In India, it's used extensively to make spice mixtures for various delicacies as well as day to day dishes. With the advent of motorized grinders, use of the mortar and pestle has decreaed. It is traditional in various Hindu ceremonies (such as weddings, and upanayanam) to crush tumeric in these mortars. In Malay, it is known as lesung. Large stone mortars, with long (2–3 feet) wood pestles were used in the Middle East to grind meat for a type of meatloaf, or kibbeh, as well as the hummus variety known as masabcha.

How to use a mortar and pestle:D ???

1: Pick the Right Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and pestles are usually made in a matching set. Common materials are wood, stone, or sometimes hard clay. Although usually any will do, you will want to consider if you want your tools dishwasher-safe, if it will be easy to clean, the weight, and if breakage may be a problem, such as if dropped.

2: Use for the Right Reason
If you need something ground into a paste or powder, this is a great tool. If you need something chopped, pureed, or blended, you may be better off with another tool.

3: Get Into the Grind
Put your item to be ground into the bowl-like mortar. Take the pestle by the handle, and use a firm pressure while making a stirring-like motion in order to ground your material. If the item resists, you can try some firm but gentle pounding to start initial cracks. Grind into your preferred consistency.

4: Clean your Mortar and Pestle
Cleaning depends a bit on the material of the mortar and pestle. If it is not dishwasher-safe (such as a wooden set), clean with warm water and dish soap. If your mortar is being used for one, non-food-related purpose (such as grinding fish food) you might be able to skip this step.

easy riggggght~?!

this is a visual on how to use it to be more clear. Its useful and and serves a good purpose in cooking..

Douglas Ford, sous-chef at LA's Lucques, uses a mortar and pestle a lot for things like grinding spices or garlic. It's often preferable to a mechanical device like a blender or Cuisinart, because the heat those devices create will cause some ingredients to oxidize more quickly and turn brown...check this out;)

My CREATIVE ideas of what we can do with mortar and pestle in the future

-This is an exercise we did in class. We have to come out with different new fresh ideas of what we can do with mortar and pestle in the year 20100! So this was i come up with:D

My mind map of Mortar and Pestle:
-We also did a simple mind map in class for our studies. To me, the purpose of mind map is to expand more of our ideas on a subject or matter. Take mortar and pestle as an example. This is my mind map of it and see how i expand my thoughts of mortar and pestle through it. Strangely to know its related to almost everything matter in our life;p

Thursday, July 15, 2010

map your mind!

Week 4 here we go..

Today we talked about mind-mapping. Like how to organize your thinking and basically to expand your ideas and the way you see things from a tiny spec to a universe..see i just made a mind-map there, how creative am i, har har.

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

And Tony Buzan is one of the leading motivator which came up with an effective techniques of Mind Mapping. He is also an author and educational consultant. He claims to have worked with "corporate entities and businesses all over the world; academics; Olympic athletes; children of all ages; governments; and high profile individuals, in teaching them how to maximize the use of their brain power.

These are some of the examples of visual mind map