Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Juxtaposition exercise in class

Mr Radzi gave us a list on numbers on juxtaposition..try this out

1. Flower 0. Head
2. Lightning 1. Rain
3. Ice 2. Wood
4. Light 3. Tree
5. Fire 4. Spider
6. Duck 5. Root
7. Dog 6. Mountain
8. Oil 7. Wind
9. Leave 8. Rock
0. Fly 9. Water

You might be wondering how it works..ok first off,pick randomly a num from list 1 and list 2 like 38.and combine them. exp; 38 3.Ice , 8.Rock = Ice Rock

ok got it? now pick 3 numbers from the list , exp; 45,61,56

from the number u picked,make sentences which make sense out of them and illustrate.

see how i did them..

2. Secondly, from the same numbers, combine this two words. I know,juxtapose it..lets just try

Its tough to create something which doesnt make sense to something that make sense;p
but once you got it, it would easily be remembered and captures the eye of others

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