Sunday, June 27, 2010

Defining creativity..hmm??

Hello WEEK 1

"Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing.

The process of creation was historically reserved for deities creating "from nothing" in Creationism and other creation myths. Over time, the term creativity came to include human innovation, especially in art and science and led to the emergence of the creative class." - wikipedia

to get a basic understanding of creativity i took the definition from wiki. From what it said, it is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them.but then what is innovation..what's the difference between creative and innovative?

From what i think,my perspective..creativity is the process of generating something new that has value. Example, TABLE..The ability to take existing object(wood) and combine them into different ways for new purposes, by adding value to those pieces of wood which is then named 'table'.

Innovation is to bring new ideas and making changes to the existing objects. Example, CARPET..from what we know is just a floor covering.but check this out..

This is called 'land peel'..a furniture developed by japanese industrial design student shin yamashita from the kyoto institute of technology.

This floor mat makes it ideal for all leisurely activities such as watching television, studying, lying down, or reading a innovative is that eh;)

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