Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Talking about creativity..

Here comes WEEK 2

from this week 2 lecture, they showed us this video by an internationally recognized leader in the development of innovation and human resources, a Professor in Arts Education at the University of Warwick and gained his PhD from the University of London for research into drama and theatre in education, Sir Ken Robinson..To be frank, i just knew the guy..

but his speech was tremendously entertaining. It made me think rather than wasting my papers scribbling on them. I support his stand that being wrong or by doing mistakes is another step of being original. Not that he meant by purposely being wrong, but to learn from it. Original ideas do come by mistakes. What I'm thinking of is, its not that we cant do it in a right way, but we see things in a different way, and we are somehow force to follow the structure, the pattern that have been made and which block our creative ways of thinking. "Its actually we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather we get educated out of it" , from what Sir Ken's said.

I believe that its our educating system which needs to be change and that its us, the new generations in this 21st era should start making this changes. We can see this potential coming from Sir Ken. I'v been keeping this thoughts since before and somehow excited to be part of the change. I would like to be part of the board of directors in education department of art one day and apply some changes in school's syllabus..art class should be taken seriously and to provide complete tools and equipment for arts..that's a start *wink!*

Here i present you, Sir Ken Robinson..

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